Sunday, August 31, 2008

Apples to Apples

I'd been hankering to taste the season's first apples and share the delight with my daughter. (The first and only time she tried an apple was last week. It was roasted over a fire, mushy and tart. She grimaced dramatically and grabbed for more.)

The opportunity knocked yesterday. CP was pushing her in the sporty red jogger, the next street down, when I halted before an 8 1/2 x 11-inch printed sign: "FREE APPLES. Rambo and Grimes Golden. Some good for baking, some for eating. No need to knock. We'll try to leave bags under the trees." A map explained exactly which two backyard trees were game.

As we turned to enter the yard, a large, gray-haired lady was coming the other way.

"Are there still apples?" CP asked.

"Sure, I'll show you where to pick," said the apple advertiser.

She led us to two tall, rambling trees, one with red and one with yellow fruit. The apples were small and gnarled, but looked good enough for apple sauce or crisp.

Tonight we're having a couple of friends over for apple crisp and a favorite old movie. And NS will have her first fresh applesauce.

1 comment:

  1. i pruned my trees this spring, remember? well, no apples have come. only one tree has produced maybe 5 or so. BUt the pear tree has a lot for its size. I'd love some fresh apples. It is still quite hot here. doesnt quite feel like the apples would be ready even if I'd had some...
