The other day I heard a news item about the rates of childhood obesity in the U.S. reaching a plateau at 32%. The comparative merits of various screening and identification methods were discussed. Listening to the appalling figures (no pun intended) I kept waiting to hear something about the causes of this epidemic and how the trend can be reversed.
I'm still waiting.
Childhood obesity is one of the most preventable health problems out there. Its prevention involves (among other things) education, common sense, discipline, and cultivation of good habits, and by extension would prevent many more serious and costly diseases (type II diabetes being one of the top candidates).
It seems that the onetime esteemed practice of prevention has been devalued.
you said it girl. the choice to participate in prevention and/or redemption of health is at our very fingertips and we do very little with it. You asked what kind of nurse am I? This (above) is one thing that drives me.