Monday, May 26, 2008

Doorstep Delights

These photos were taken just outside my front door (unfortunately, they are already at least a week old). The middle two depict the mystery plant that almost got classified as a weed before sprouting buds.


  1. is that a cocklebell? in the middle there? it is very familiar looking. and what are those last purple ones? they look like something usually in red or whitish yellow that grows in the wilde and I cant remember right now... oh, maybe columbine? beautiful. the 4 days of rain have been a wonder for my garden...

  2. Maybe a hollyhock? Whatever it is, it's lovely, along with the rest of your welcoming committee!

  3. i think it is a foxglove, something like that.

  4. It is foxglove. We had some that was white at our other house. I have been reading your, your husband and both sisters' blogs and have enjoyed keeping up with what is going on in your lives. Keep writing. I love it!

    P.S. Another cousin got me hooked on reading you guys! :)
