Saturday, April 26, 2008


The brilliant idea dawned on me as I thumbed through Senator Obama's autobiography that had been lying on someone else's coffee table. In order to educate myself about the sparring Democratic presidential candidates who dominate the news these days, I would read about their respective lives, in their own words.

Our local library's online catalog revealed that all nine copies of Hillary Clinton's autobiographies were available for loan.

Of Barak Obama's 12 autobiographies in the system, only three were currently available. Two of those were in Spanish.

Guess which candidate came out on top in our state primary.

I went to the library, checked out a book by each author, and put an English copy of the latter on hold (seriously doubting that I'll make it through the Spanish version). I have now joined the long line of brilliant, self-educating readers marching through the library doors.

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