Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hay Ride

Summer so far has been a bumpy ride, sometimes downright scratchy, but sweetened by camaraderie and tranquil vistas along the way. 

Recently we enjoyed a gathering of my maternal extended family. Part of the festivities took place at the Farm--my mom's childhood home.

N participated in her first water balloon toss and played like mad with her newly acquainted second cousins.

We spent a day with the great-grandparents in their new retirement cottage. As N commented, "It's nice here."

Walking to Bible school at the little church up the road was a highlight for N.

We can't wait to move into the new kitchen! 

H sampled C's birthday cake batter with gusto.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Little H turned a big numero uno last week.

Here she is, riding bike with big sister N, on the very spot where she was born:

Playing tea party on the front porch:

N's party clothes:

H in her favorite hand-me-down hat and standard summer outfit:

The girls have taken an interest in washing dishes, partly to cool off on hot days. In fact, N recently added breakfast dishes to her list of morning chores, and H always wants to be in on the action (especially now that she's climbing on and off chairs by herself):

H's first birthday was a bit of a bummer; feeling miserable from a double ear infection, she just wasn't as much into opening presents as everyone else was:

She was a good sport, though, and tried out her first cousin R's handmade blanket right away:

We never did get around to singing "Happy Birthday" or putting a candle in a zucchini cupcake. H just kept crying, nursing, and falling asleep at inopportune times. So the party went on without her. Her Auntie H and Uncle M joined the would-be festivities. Here, my visiting cousin R and her boys (H's and N's never-before-met second cousins) enthusiastically decorate the cupcakes:

Fortunately, after the doctor prescribed antibiotics the next day, H perked up quickly enough to go along on a five-hour family trip to visit Uncle Z, and returned to her usual charming, busybody self. We hung out a lot on the baby-proof deck overlooking the city, reading books, playing with an (empty of compost) stainless steel pail, and tossing orange peels over the railing to the garden below, not to mention munching homemade cookies:

By way of sightseeing, we spent a rainy morning climbing up and back down 36 stories of stairs at a very tall building at a very large university (flooding the echoey stairwell with harmonies as we descended). I'm proud to say that both girls made it the whole way--H on her dad's back and N on her own four-year-old feet:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


This was my celebration, five days after the fact: a luxurious cereal-and-berries breakfast overlooking the lush backyard, gifts from husband and daughter wrapped and delivered with much enthusiasm, hands-on blessings from church friends, an excursion for two to the theater followed by Ethiopian cuisine, all topped off with a gorgeous, double-crusted black raspberry pie baked that morning by my husband, of course accompanied by vanilla bean ice cream and good company.

Thanks to all who had a hand in it!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


These chicks are on the move!

Monday, May 28, 2012

For a week or so following her recent first-ever experience of getting a professional haircut (to remedy her own chop job), N's passion was playing hair salon. "First I give you a hairdo, then you give me one."  Even I had to admit it turned out to be a fun way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

On to Spring

Here's a sweeping glance of our family's February/March as it flew by on (mostly) balmy wings.

Which one is the real doll?

Backyard fun

New heights

Story time with Granddaddy

Bath time with Grandmommy

Sisterly snuggles

Lakeside excursion with Grandpa and Grandma

The artist in her studio

"Rest time" under the tree

Dishwasher in training

Game with Grandpa

H playing with Papi

Egg dyeing with cousins

Group break to examine treasures 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pics from the Pile: January in Review

Last week, when I described to my husband how, some days, my life feels like a "nondescript pile of crumbs," he countered, "Well, at least it's not a pile of nondescript crumbs."

I hope the following fragments from my heap will add a descriptive spark to your day, dear reader.

My second annual attempt at Rosca de reyes (a.k.a. King's Day or Epiphany sweet bread), this time inspired by a Mexican cookbook bursting with colorful photos, turned out almost as festive-looking as the pictures.

H's blessing service at our little church drew an impressive critical mass of family members from both sides and painted warm memories all around.

One of my favorite moments was when the pastor carried H around to be blessed by each person.

Sister C and husband D spent a precious few days afterward, en route to three years of living and serving on another continent. That Sunday the gathered family knotted a comforter to send along for their receiving community.

Cousins connected.

H enjoyed unwrapping a few gifts, including Grandpa's handmade truck, while showing off her new sitting skill.

Our chilly walk at a nearby (new to me) forest was a highlight of C&D's visit.

N enjoyed their company immensely.
Sister H brings out the music in my daughters.

Tea parties with friends keep the winter doldrums at bay.

H sits up proudly.