Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Year Two

This weekend will complete our family's first year in our current home. Just like last year at moving time, spring is spilling out all around.

Sunrise from the front porch:

 Inherited tulips:
And as for our daughter, who's now a Terrific Two....'ve come a long way, baby!


 One chilly day last week, N decided it was time to give all her friends a bath. I oversaw the dishpan-filling with warm water from the bathtub and helped her carry it to the front porch, where she went through her mental list of friends, getting them cleaned up. 

 The cat numbered among the lucky (or unlucky) bathees.

At last she announced it was time for US to take a bath.  "You and me!"

"Oh, no," I replied hastily.  "I'll take a bath tonight. I don't want to right now."

This time she filled the tub all by herself (with cold water), carried it out, stripped down in sight of the neighborhood, and sat down.  She did most of the cursory washing.  Not about to let an easy bathing opportunity slip by, I lathered up her hair.  But the cold water rinse was the last straw. Gasping and shivering, she climbed out and donned her pajamas for nap time.


Before the engaged couple left the continent, we had a regional family dinner in spring style. Note the creamy tulip buds on the table. 
 The tulips are lodged at my house until their owners' return. I've enjoyed watching them open.

Nursing the Baby

Since the recent birth of a baby to a couple at our church, one of N's old dolls and this newly acquired doll have become known as "Baby L". 

N has spent many an hour playing with Baby L in her various forms (including invisible).  One evening she decided to nurse Baby L before bedtime.

"Your turn, Daddy."