Thursday, January 31, 2008

First Things First

Now, I'm nobody's fool. I know a large percentage of my readership is primarily interested in pictures of NS. Photos are the carrots-on-sticks that entice you to sneak frequent peeks at the blog. So we may as well get started. Here she is, engaging in two of her favorite daytime activities: sunbathing and wiggling.


  1. Yay Maria!! All photos of N-cutie welcome. Don't forget to put some pics of yourself on there, too. :)

  2. wow, Queenie beat me, but I'm right in next place. yay. the other thing I forgot to mention is that I love hearing my sister's writing voices, eh! plus, oh, yeah, if you ever get tired of putting pictures up, remember how much it warms my heart and brings a smile to my face to see any of you all doing what you do in your days, k?

  3. Forgot to mention, I especially like your blog photo of the beach. So nice to see everyone's comments--makes me feel like we're all together in one place.
